Do It Yourself Motorcycle Maintenance

If you own a motorbike there are some things that you absolutely should know about do it yourself maintenance. Motorcycles like cars require maintenance to keep them purring. A lot of novice motorcycle owners don't take maintenance into consideration when they should.

There are certain things that have to be done to your motorbike every 100 miles or so, or after it has been stored for awhile. Learning to do it yourself will save you a bagful of money. Besides part of owning a motorcycle is getting your hands dirty.

Gears, Chains and Lube

If you have a chain driven motorbike than you need to check that chain regularly and slap some grease (chain lube) on it to keep it humming. Chains stretch and wear, it is far better to maintain your chain from the start than risk the potential of blowing out your chain riding down the road.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, this holds true when it comes to your motorcycle. When you are looking over your chain for any wear or stretch you should also be taking a peek at your gears to make sure your teeth are not worn down.

Lube up your chain regularly every 300-400 miles with a good chain lube. If your chain does need replacement, unless you have a chain press, chain breaker and a chain riveter or equally efficient tools you might want to consider bringing it to a shop until you get a better feel of things.

Your chain is really important and sometimes having an expert step in is the best option for replacement.

Air Filters

Every motorcycle has an air filter. The air filter on your motorcycle is far more important than it is on your car. Think smaller engine, more exposed when you think about the air filters protection to your motorcycle.

Air filters should be checked regularly so debris can be removed. You will be very surprised by what you find in your motorcycle air filter. You can clean it regularly to prolong the life of the filter, but if it is paper plan on changing it at least once every two months more frequently if you are a heavy rider.

Pulling the air filter out and slipping a new one in is relatively easy, and does not require any specialized knowledge. A clogged air filter will really screw up your ride. Keep up on you air filter and extend the life of your motor.

Engine Oil

Yes you need to change the engine oil in your motorcycle! You also need to check it periodically to see if you are losing any oil due to burn off. Engine oil has to be changed around every 2000-3000 miles depending on how you ride. If you ride heavy and often in a lot of stop and go traffic than you need to change your oil at the low end of the spectrum.

Use a good quality engine oil according to the manufacturers recommendation. It is important that you use the exact weight of oil that is recommended. Motorcycle engines are smaller than car engines but are much more precise.

If you own a Motorcycle than you need to be able to do certain things yourself not only to save money but to protect your motorbike and keep it running smoothly.

Paul Smeeton is the founder of We can supply all your Motorcycle Spares and Accessories for your Motorcycle.