Tips for Motorcycle to Work – How to Make Your Motorcyle Roar to Life

Motorcycles have a reputation in the transportation industry as one of the coolest vehicles in this world. Thus, only “cool” people as well are expected to ride motorcycles. If you don’t want to end up embarrassing yourself in your first few public attempts to ride a motorcycle, here’s what you should do:

How to Operate a Motorcycle
Although there may be a slight variation in the operation of different types of motorcycles, the basics are pretty much the same.

After getting on a motorcycle, switch the ignition on by turning the key decisively.
If your motorcycle has a fuel petcock, you’d have to turn this on next. Expand the choke, and make sure that all other necessary switches are set to ON or RUN. Just like a car, the initial gear of the motorcycle must be set to NEUTRAL unless you wish it to run away under your very nose.

Allow the motorcycle’s engine to warm up before hitting the road.

How to Shift Gears When Riding a Motorcycle
Novice car drivers often have a hard time coordinating their hands and feet whenever they need to shift gears in a manual car. Expect the same difficulty with motorcycles as well. Although reading the following tips will help you understand the fundamental steps in shifting gears, it’s still better that you practice under the supervision of a professional.

Start in first gear. The sound of your motorcycle’s engine and the speed you’re using will let you know when it’s time to shift gears. To go to second gear, exert moderate pressure on the clutch while reducing the pressure on the throttle. At the same time, use your foot to hit the gear shifter.

Repeat the same steps to go to the next gears.

Other Tips for Learning How to Get a Motorcycle to Work

Maintaining your balance is the key to handling motorcycles and showing these monstrous rides who’s really wearing the pants! If you have a hard time keeping your balance, start by practicing holding your balance while riding a bike.

Fear of motorcycles is ordinary and even preferable because this means you acknowledge its power and consequently, you’ll become more aware of the dangers you’ll be facing if you don’t observe proper and safety tips and guidelines. What’s not advisable however is to let that fear rule your mind!

If you’re riding a motorcycle, you shouldn't let anything ruin your concentration. Focus on the road and your ride because you can easily injure yourself when your attention is elsewhere.