Yamaha Vixion

Yamaha Vixion

. Some Part of the original motor and chassis YZF R125 V-Ixion notabenanya have twin spars that facilitate this. The owner's intention to make juggling Ko V-Ixion became YZF R125. Original parts such as front and rear lights and carry buy direct from Yamaha dealers in the UK, as well as your legs hind legs.

Body area in order not to the builder and cultivated precisely exactly with the YZF-R125. Original Part ngak Kok pake? Actually the owner of the motor has prepared a complete body kit R125 including the fairing, but because the pursuit of modification time, Dave made ​​fairing conceptlah that remain selected because they still look very detailed. Some aftermarket parts and other motor also stuck on this bike. Windshield Ermax for R125, exhaust slip on Twobrothers, HID Angel Eyes Projector plus made ​​by Jungkiwenas stuck in the left eye this bike, have a similar right-left mirror Ninja 250R, speedometer console type artificial Koso RX2, and tire Battlax BT 92.

Overall .. make Vixi be YZF 125 r emang pas and not really finding difficulties .. triangle on the bottom, the same handlebar, komstir, R125 plug and play! .. not need to be changed again. . . masangnya arm was not difficult. Deltabox already looks the same, the order must be changed back. . In conclusion, make Vixi so R125. . can really. . even exact, there are important cost: mrgreen:

For the tank, because the R125 systems use a condom (like the FZ16) so dibuatin tank in it with a stick vixion fuel pump, which uses the lower part of the original Vixi then cut. . initially willing to try daleman plastic tanks R125, but the position reversed pumpnya fuel and gasoline out of the top rather than below. . fitting mounted fuel pump nyedot Vixi not gasoline, because fuelpump positions reversed. . . . solutions use the original fuel pump R125, or make their own tank with fuelpump Vixi? .. his late bro AIM pake second solution. . although it seems certain that he was confident of 90% in the fuel pump could R125 Vixi ecu. . ecu because Vixi and R125 looks similar and electrical diagrams Vixi R125 and similar. . . yah cuman looking for a safe secure aja, according to Bro Aim
According to Bro Aim, its parts costs reached 42.8 million excluding the cost of paint, cutting, and workshops. But rather than wanted to move to another heart, ajiiib motor built with passion and demanded the sacrifice of cost, struggle, time and dedication even want to be sold by the owner of the motor. Hopefully Helpful

Data Modification:
Exhaust: Two Brothers Slip On C arbon Wheels: YZF R 125 Brimeca Italy Arm: YZF R 125
Rear Caliper Rear Disc +: YZ 125 F R Mater Brakes: YZF R125 Footstep: YZF 125 r Stang + Segita top down: YZF R 125 Windshield: Ermax YZF R 125
Backseat + Home: YZF 125 Tank Collapse: YZF R125 Tank: Original YZF R 125 Aftermath: Original YZF R 125 Headlights: YZF R125 Fairing: Custom by Dave Motorcycle Concept Kiri Custom Projector Headlight with angel eyes + HID + made by Jungkiwenas KOSO RX2
BT92 TIRE: 110/70 F and 140/60 R