My New Baby

After selling my beloved Bravo I need to get a new ride.

There is a lot of new models coming out from the Big 4 Japan manufacturers but what I really wanted is something that will fit my budget, has forms and most especially a fuel efficient motorcycle (we know how much our gasoline cost nowadays).

Having those thing in mind only one thing came into the picture, the NEW HONDA CB110.

The CB110 boast the following features (taken from

Head turning style meets sporty power!
The CB110 takes the urban sports bike riding to a whole new level. Combining the power and sleek style, this revolutionary bike will forever change your riding experience!
Unleash your sporty side with this great new ride!


110cc Engine
Empower yourself with the cutting edge 110cc and 8.6HP engine (comparable to 125cc performance) that gives you a smooth ride with a mileage of (*78.7km/l)

*at an average driving speed

Half Chain Case
Flaunt your insides with a half chain case that reveals the latest trend.

Viscous FilterA new technology that cuts down on maintenance and give you a hassle free ride.

T.I.C.S (Twin Ignition Control System)
For better fuel efficiency and optimum engine speed.

Tubeless Tires

For a smoother and safer ride. 

And so, I did some more research and feedback from those who already purchased the model and so far, most owners gives a good feedback.

And so...I got in touch with my dealer (Honda Admiral Motorbikes) and asked how much is the lowest downpayment and monthly of the said bike (well....I don't have any cash to purchase it in full....). Well they offered me a low downpayment of Php 3,100 and a monthly payment of the same amount and of course a rebate of 200 in case I pay it on or before the due date.

Well, I talked to my wife and given a go signal to get one (weeee.......). I then asked my dealer for the requirements to process my loan. I was sent an application form first to get the ball rolling. Then last thursday, the credit investigator assigned to my loan called up and do they usually question and answer portion. Then at around 8pm the same day I was informed by my dealer that my application had been approved (what a joy, hehehehehhe).

Friday came and got a text message from the credit company when do I want to get the motorcycle. Excitedly, I informed them that I want to get it that day and so, the person assigned to my loan inform me to prepare all the necessary documents so they can release my CB110 and was informed that I can get it at around 3-4pm.

At around 2pm yesterday, I left home and head straight to my dealer ( I live in Cavite and my dealer's place is in España). While inside the bus, there's nothing else coming in my mind except my new motorcycle.By 3pm I'm already at my dealer's place, everything had been prepared already, meaning, the motorcycle had been checked and conditioned already. Immediately I was asked to sign pertinent papers regarding my motorcycle loan, after signing, gave the initial downpayment and was given the key, helmet (cheap one) and my dealer jersey. I immediately secure the free helmet cause I brought my helmet and then wore the dealers jersey.

The motorcycle is only filled with 1 liter of gasoline (hehehehehehehe, how far can I go with that, right?) and I have to bring the motorcycle in Cavite. So....knowing that, my primary concern is to get to the nearest gasoline station but alas no gasoline station is near. Was able to have the tank filled with gasoline in Shell - Macapagal. Can't believe it right? Well, I was able to travel from Espanya to Macapagal with 1 liter of gasoline and that's what I can say fuel efficient.

Well, here's my new baby.....

In my next post, I'll be giving my personal feedback on my new baby.....