PBRC Account

As posted by our president in MCP.

To all PBRC members,

Hereunder is the financial report of PBRC. Please feel to ask any question or state any errors for corrections. Thanks and mabuhay ang PBRC!

A. Collection:

a. registered and updated members: (who paid P100 registration & P50 November monthly fees)

1. jet_zoooooms
2. coolworld
3. archer22
4. mikecute
5. marjiancanya
6. bravo henry
7. bradc73
8. jay
9. crazyrazky
10. alamus (updated up to December monthly fee)

b. registered but yet to pay November dues: (who paid P100 registration fee)

1. sir_talipandaz
2. joyce
3. eddie_gordo
4. steven_andrei
5. r3klamador

Amount received by sir_talipandaz : P1,100
Amount received by jet_zoooooms : P 950
Total PBRC fund : P2,050

B. Liquidation:

a. P900 from jet_zoooooms transfered to bradc73 for sticker down payment
b. P800 from sir_talipandaz transtered to bradc73 for balance payment of sticker

C. Current Account Balance

P300 c/o sir_talipandaz
P 50 c/o jet_zoooooms
P350 - Total account balance

*as of November 21, 2007