MCP Bravo Boys EB

Last June 2, 2007, the much awaited EB (Eyeball) of MCP (Motorcycle Philippines) Bravo boys has finally pushed through.

Inviting the different Bravo owners took more than 2 weeks just to accomodate the different schedules of the members because we wanted all of them to be able to attend the EB. Some members was eager to join the EB but unfortunately they are tied to other commitments.

June 2 finally arrived, and as scheduled, we will be meeting at Petron (Bluewave) - Macapagal. First to arrive on the meeting place is me, followed by Talipandaz, then Archer, Steven Andrei and Major Jet, finally Kulas Piro came followed by a friend of Major Jet, Ruel.

While still waiting for the others to come, each one of us started looking at the other's Bravo, comparing their Bravo's with ours. Finally, the group decide to go to Archer's place since Talipandaz will be buying a halogen bulb for his Bravo but before that we decide to find a place nearby where we can have our picture taking since Kulas will be going home since he joined the EB straight from his work.

As Major Jet leads the pack, he brought us infront of the Shrine of Jesus in MOA where we park our Bravo and started taking pictures.

After taking some pictures, Major Jet again leads us to Archer place, there, we were able to rest from the scorching heat and was able to relax ( thanks to Archer free softdrinks. :D ). After resting and refreshing ourselves, we again started to discuss about our Bravo, the different mods that we have done so far and what other mods that we can do.

By 6 pm, we decided to call it a day and go home.

It's really a nice day spending a little time with m co-Bravo owners, I've learned a lot from them. Hopefully, we'll have another EB but these time it will be a ride EB to test our Bravo's power.