I saw this bike when it was originally for sale (just before Big Scott bought it), at the Long Beach Swap. It especially caught my eye because I own a restored '70. It was on a trailer as found, covered with the dust and patina of time and for the most part, looked little used. It was very puzzling until I checked the speedometer.
That's one wild dresser! It's amazing how chrome and paint can transform a stock configured bike.
I talked to the seller about it. He told me about it's history and how it was built for a show (something like Autorama, or World of Wheels? my memory), in San Diego in late 69? For such a nice relic, it was being offered at a bargain price. Later I saw a photo of it on a blog somewhere.
Scott cleaned it up and changed the seat. It had a funky but similar brown seat when unearthed.Then Big Scott of Cycle Zombies emailed me.
Howdy Chris,
After seeing Stretch's blog (nostalgia on wheels), and seeing the pics of all the dressers, I read your comment that you just posted a bunch. Well I just sold a 1970 FLH custom that was built by the owner of El Cajon Harley, Chuck Holinda. Anyway, he took a brand new bike in late 1969 (first year alternator motor), tore it down completely and chromed it all! Then he molded the tank, frame etc. with raised molded flames! Really cool! By the way only has 3 miles on it! Here is a few pics that you might want to add to your blog. Thanks, Big Scott
The shocking truth! This explained the bike's unused appearance.
Everything mechanical was given a dip of the bright stuff!Since my memory was foggy I emailed Scott for the show infomation.
Scott replied, "I don't have a lot of info on the shows it was in. There was one show in '71 where it took 3rd place. Randy Smith and Bob Clark of Street Chopper were both judges but, thats all I know".
Molded flames to raise the judges eyes.Scott added, "The bike cleaned up amazing, a little bit of chrome flaking off the aluminum heads and covers. Anyway, post what you want"

Later, I ran into Scott at the Long Beach swap and he told me how after flushing the tanks and some proper prep it fired right up and ran like new. It was then traded for a nice original '58. It's current owner has stripped and is storing the bags, changed the seat, put apes on it, and now rides the hell out it!
Photos: Big Scott. Re-imaged/Photoshoped: CK.