2nd Honda Plant Visit

Group Picture outside Honda

Group picture inside Honda Admin Conference Room

The South group early birds.

Honda Plant Visit Ride Report

After almost 2 weeks of waiting for the ride event, March 1 finally came and almost 30 riders sign up for the plant visit in Honda Plant in Tanauan, Batangas. The purpose of the ride is for interested Honda owners / riders to have a plant tour in Honda Philipines Plant thus giving us the chance to see how Honda manufacture our bikes.

Even though the ride was organized and coordinated by Arlan, the vice-president for external affairs of Philippine Bravo Riders Club (PBRC), the invitation was extended to owner/rider of none Honda Bravo owners as long as it is Honda. The invitation was welcomed by other Honda owners; Owners of Honda Wave Alpha/100/100R/125 listed and show interest on the plant visit.

There were 2 meeting place designated for the ride, for those coming from the North, Shell – J.Vargas in C5 is their meeting place and for those who are coming from the South, Honda Motorworld in Alabang is the meeting place at the same time it is the link up place for both North and South riders since the group decide to take the Alabang National Road going to Calamba.

Riders from the North was met by co-member, Mike Apo, who spearhead the group to Honda Motorworld Alabang. Their take off time was 6:30AM so that they can link up with the South group at around 7:30AM. Some of those who suppose to join the North group wasn’t able to come due to personal reason and we were thankful enough since they text earlier before the take off time thus avoiding delay in their take off time. North group was able to take off from Shell at around 6:30AM and was able to link up with the South group at around 7:30AM.

The South group meeting time is not as early as those coming from the north, riders coming from the south needs to be in Honda Motorworld at around 7-7:30am. The first to arrive in the meeting place where Arlan, Ram, Rj and Ross. Ram, Rj and Ross still comes from Tondo and was able to come on time. While waiting for the North group to come, other South riders came to the meeting place.

Finally, before 7:30AM, North group arrived in Honda Motorworld. Mike introduce those who joined him from the North to those who are waiting in the South. Since there is still time before the talked take off time, riders got the chance to talk and know the other rider. AlfaR14, dropped by to meet the group but wasn’t able to join the ride for a very important reason.

10 minutes before 8am, Arlan and Mike called the riders for a short briefing on how the group will travel at the same time giving some advice for the first time group riders. Since the National Road is a heavily traffic road, we tend to use the single file formation so as not to create traffic. We consider the road as a public road, thus we should follow traffic regulation. Twenty (20) riders were able to join the group and these was the first time that PBRC has this number of riders in a ride. Considering a large number of rider, we designated Ram and Rj to be the ride marshals and other experienced rider to be place at the back. Norvin was the sweeper of the whole group but we still have another sweeper placed on the 10th and 11th position. Ram, give a short prayer before the start of the ride.

Our itinerary was followed, we allotted 2 hours for the travel time from Alabang to Tanauan, Batangas. The trip went smoothly but from time to time the group was cut because of traffic in some area in the national highway. One major delay was when Ram rear tire wiggled when we are just 1-2kms away from Calamba, thus making the whole group stop while Norvin and other rider assist to fix Ram tire. The stop give some riders to freshen up and stretch. After 10-15 minutes, we gear up and start to travel again going now to Tanauan, Batangas.

Finally, we reached the First Philippine Industrial Park (FPIP) where Honda Philippines is located. Arlan went straight to the guard to inform them that the group will be going to Honda Philippines. The group was shocked on how one guard reacted, he started shouting on some riders who are taking pictures of the group while they are still parked outside FPIP. The group was shocked because we are polite and organized when we parked our motorcycle on the right portion of the entrance. After the guard called up and confirmed of our plant visit to Honda, we were allowed to go inside FPIP but before that, we were instructed to follow the maximum speed inside the industrial park which is 40kph and to follow the rule of first stop first to go on intersection.

Arriving at Honda Philippines Plant, we were met but Honda guards and pointed where the group will park our motorcycle. After parking our motorcycle in the designated area, we were met by one of the staff of Sir Jules Cruz of Honda Philippines. We were then escorted to HPI lobby where Honda Motorcycles, both stock and modified are displayed. The group was given the opportunity to take pictures of the different motorcycles. First time visitors was amazed with the modified Honda motorcycle cub especially the modified Honda XRM125 enduro and Honda Bravo. We were able to see the new design of Honda Wave100 and was also informed that the new Honda Wave100 is now Euro 2 compliant.

After 10-15 minutes of taking pictures at the lobby with some Honda motorcycle. The group now was lead to a conference room in the Honda admin building where we met Sir Jules Cruz and was shown how Honda came to be. After the short film showing, we were given a simple freebie and was given the chance to ask some questions regarding our motorcycle. A simple but delicious merienda was prepared for the riders, we were given at least 15mins to consume our merienda so that we can catch up with the production.

After consuming our merienda, we were lead immediately to their production plant. 4 guide were assigned to the group. We were divided into 4 groups with either 5 or 6 members each. All riders were excited because this was the first time that every one in the group was in a motorcycle production plant. We were fascinated on how fast Honda produce a single motorcycle. During our visit, Honda plant was producing Honda XRM 125. We walk the whole production line and we can’t help to be amazed on what we saw, since for every step that you take, you will see how your engine is being built, how the different parts where attached and at the end of the production line you will see a brand new motorcycle, which is ready for testing and storage. We also saw how our chassis and gas tank was assembled and painted, how the different fairings of different motorcycle is painted and strip with stickers. When we finished with the plant tour, we immediately proceed to Honda Philippines shop where riders/visitors were given the chance to buy Honda Apparel such as t-shirt, bags and helmets at a discounted price. Almost all riders bought something to bring home as a proof of their plant visit.

After all the members finished their buying spree, we returned to the conference room where we left our bags. After that we go out and have our group picture along with Sir Jules. After the picture taking, we bid goodbye to Sir Jules and his staff and jokingly asked him if we could still return to visit the plant.

Gearing up we bid goodbye to Honda Philippines. The group left FPIP and proceed to the national highway going back to Manila. The group plan to have a short stop on any gas station for refueling and have a snack before we proceed to Manila but as the group travel along the National Road, Arlan was informed by a delivery van that one rider encounter a problem that’s why the group immediately stop and check who encounter a problem. We found out that Mike and Ram w
ere missing , so we stop and count the number or rider, Tali and Vin back track to look for Ram, true enough…Ram encountered a technical problem with his Bravo, his rear hub bearing broke and there is no way for him to travel than to replace it with a new one.

While Vin, Rj, Mike and Tali assist Ram in fixing his Bravo, the rest went to Flying V and stop beside 7-11 to wait for the others. This gives time for the other riders to freshen up and have a little snack at 7-11.

At around 3:30-4pm, Ram Bravo was fixed and before we start to return to Manila, PBRC had a small raffle for those members you are active. The prices were 1 liter of Shell VSX Engine Oil and a Balaclava. Mike won the Engine Oil while Vin won the Balaclava.

The way back to Manila is smooth and less problem.

All in all, the plant visit / tour to Honda was an experience we won’t forget for the rest of our life. All those who participated the ride would like to thank Sir Jules and his staff for making it possible for us to have an idea on how our motorcycle were assembled.

Thank you Honda Philippines until our next visit!